Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Most Popular of 2012

Happy New Years guys! I have to admit, that while I normally struggle for the first few weeks of the new year to write the proper date, I don't think I'm going to this, this year. Honestly, the last few weeks I've been struggling to write the correct date. I'm all messed up and keep writing 2013, because right before Christmas at work we had to do a lot of advanced work for the first part of January and so everything I did had to have a 2013 date. So basically, I haven't enjoyed the last weeks of 2012, because I now keep finding myself writing 2013. Who would have ever thought that possible right?

Again, something else I hate reading from other food bloggers, but something I'm going to do myself. Sorry!

When I first started this blog back in June, I never thought I'd be able to do one of these types of posts though. Simply because I never expected I would have 78 posts. I thought I would have 7 and you can't really do a top 5 from a selection of 7. Well, I guess you could but really what's the point? But with 78 things up there, I think I can safely select the top 5 from that. I might even do my own top 5 favourite things I've eaten (aka the recipes I didn't just try but keep going back to again and again). Now I know the most popular list isn't exactly accurate as things I've posted back in June have had a lot more time to collect views, but bear with me because their was actually a pretty good spread of dates for the top 5 posts.

So without further adieu here's the Most Popular Posts of 2012 (as per reader views):

4th (Tie): Twisted Tuna Wrap

4th (Tie): Spiked Pink Lemonade Slush

3rd: Nutella Stuffed French Toast Sandwich

2nd: Appletini

1st: Butterscotch Marshmallow Square.

Okay, now this list is hard. Very hard. I was going to do 5, but I'm going to have to do 10 because when I went through everything I posted, I pulled a list of my favourite things and it amounted to 20 items. What this exercise did succeed in getting me to do was to realize there was about half a dozen things I said right after eating them that I had to make again. Well now months have passed and I'd forgotten about them. But let me tell you, I've now remembered them and am super excited to make them again. So in no order...My Favourites of 2012.

And there you have it folks.

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