Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Chocolate Spoons

Okay, now these were fun to make and even funner to give. Plus, I'm excited to make them again, but to use marshmallows instead of spoons. One of the people I gave these to got so excited and kept repeating over and over again that we should put a patent on the idea because they were awesome. I think I broke his heart when I told him that we couldn't get rich off of them because it wasn't my idea and a lot of people had done this before me.

Anyway, if you are one of the people that hasn't done this before, let me share the concept with you. It's very simple, relatively inexpensive and did I mention it's fun?

To make these, all you need is plastic spoons and dipping chocolate (and it helps if you have something to stick the dipped spoons into to hold them while they set, instead of having to hold them like I did for quite awhile before I stuck them in the cups to hold them as you can see).

~Melt your milk chocolate and dip each spoon into it. Tap off the excess and if you've got any lumps or creases on it, tapping will help smooth those out as well. Set them aside to harden.

~After the chocolate has set, dip the spoons again, repeating the last step.

~When the chocolate has set, melt the white chocolate and drizzle it over the back of the spoons. Allow to harden.

~Wrap each spoon up in plastic wrap and tie with a ribbon.

See, simple right?

Now all they (or you) have to do is place the spoon into your hot coffee or hot chocolate and stir. Or, I've got this desire to eat ice cream with one of these, it wouldn't melt on the ice cream, but if you held it in your mouth long enough with each bite...

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