Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Bacon-Onion Belgian Waffles

I grew up eating homemade waffles. That's all we knew. If it was Dad's night to cook, we had the option of pancakes or waffles, and I always opted for waffles. Waffles with butter and maple syrup was just how it was. As an adult, I branched out a little, but not far. My waffles were always sweet. Typically some sort of berry, but always with butter. Sometimes Nutella, sometimes syrup. It never crossed my mind all those years that we were having waffles for dinner, that waffles could be savoury. Until I walked into West Coast Waffles in Victoria BC, upon the recommendation of friends. They hadn't said anything about the menu, other than it was a must try place. When I walked in and looked at their list of waffle choices, I of course was drawn to all their sweet-tooth choices. As I started to think about it however, I decided to branch out. After all, why not try something different that I didn't make at home. I could always put strawberries on my waffles at home. And that's how I tried the most amazing waffle, that changed how I look now look at waffles.

It was off their savoury menu, and my goodness it was savoury. A perfect waffle, with bits of bacon and onion baked right into the batter, and topped with salsa. I don't remember what else was in it, but it doesn't matter. When I recreated this at home, it didn't need anything more than this to be amazing.

Looking back, it all makes sense. I'm one of those people (probably one of the few), that is not a big fan of eggs. Please don't serve me scrambled eggs, or poached eggs, or sunny side up eggs for breakfast. So when I go out for brunch, it always seems to me that at least half of the menu is a no go. No thank you to Eggs Bennie, Omelettes, or breakfast platters that revolve around eggs. I'll go for the Pancakes, Waffles or French Toast, so I can eat everything on my plate. The only problem with this is, I A) love Hollandaise Sauce, and B) love bacon. None of which come with these sweeter menu options. So enter in this recipe. The best of all worlds (and hence my substition from Salsa to Hollandaise Sauce).


Waffle Batter
Green Onions, chopped
Bacon, cooked and crumbled
Tomatoes, sliced
Hollandaise Sauce
Salt and Pepper


~Make waffle batter according to recipe
~Stir in bacon bits and half to he green onion, reserving the rest for later
~Cook waffles according to waffle maker manufacture instructions
~Plate cooked waffles
~Top with tomato slices, Hollandaise Sauce, green onions, and salt and pepper

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