Thursday, 14 February 2013

General Tso's Sauce

So, I'm not that familiar with the flavour of General Tso's. I've only had it a few times and I have to admit that it was the sauce on a frozen dinner. So, I don't know if I really have anything to compare this to. It was good, not as strong as the one I can remember trying before, or so I thought. After I finished eating, I realized that maybe it did have a bit of a kick to it. Just a bit though. It did taste good though. It was mild enough that it didn't overwhelm the other flavours in what I was eating, it just added to them and complimented them. And it wasn't as sticky and sweet as the honey garlic sauce I made a few weeks ago. *Update* There was some leftovers of this and we tried it again the next night and agreed that there was a lot more flavour to it the second night. But still not an overpowering flavour that overwhelmed everything else you were eating. Just a good balance.

I think typically General Tso's is supposed to be on fried meat. Well, I typically tend to avoid fried meat (or fried things in general - unless you're talking about potato chips that is), especially when it calls for me doing it myself. So, we grilled the meat (or you could stir fry it) and topped it with the sauce afterwards. I personally think it tasted amazing as a sauce on our rice though. Way better than on the meat even.

Recipe from Chocolate Moosey.

Serves 4


2 Tbsp Sugar
2 1/2 Tsp Cornstarch

1/2 C. Stock
2 Tbsp Soy Sauce
2 Tbsp Vinegar
4 Tbsp Chili Sauce
2 Tsp. Oil


~In a small saucepan whisk sugar and cornstarch together. Add in the remaining ingredients and whisk continuously over medium-high heat until mixture begins to bubble and then thickens.


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